Black Owl
After The Show: Don't Forget To Keep Your Head Warm
After the show, Bettina, their friends and I, we took a beer. Where is the next whisky bar... whisky bar... it's time to say goodbye. We stayed a short time in a bar close "la cite de la villette". "la cite de la villette" is a very big place with a lot of different modern buildings. Incredible architecture. There are science museum, a music museum, a lot of cultural things. I had a very bad cold and I came back to the hotel at 1 am. Clowns aren't so strong than you think Owlie. My head turned the day after and it was very hard to wake me up.
The 26th of September, we planned to visit the museum of music (cite de la musique). They will project a lot of documentaries and films of Bowie in November. They projected "Pierrot In Turquoise" but I promise you I didn't try to mime the same at home. We hadn't rain but the weather was cold and grey.
The museum was very interesting. In the hall, there were scultures and conceptual art. I saw a piano with a lot of telephones inside. When you put your finger on a note, a phone rings! A firemean arrived and to tell me it was forbidden to touch. Art must be dead... to be beautiful. Maybe that's why you have a lot of pharaho's tombs in museums. That's dead! That's nice! I wish art could rebirth one day. We visited this museum with a headphone to have comments about every instruments we saw. You can see instruments and hear about their history. I was surprised to see the "clavecins". They are ancestors of pianos. Their keyboard is opposite to the piano. The black notes are white and white ones are black. Why isn't it like that in life? We could be heroes just for one day. I saw harps too and they have feets sculpted in wood. One of them looked like a monster. Who said angels were playing with harps? Angels must be very strong to care them. Not like wanders's film.
I had the feeling to be out of my time. A man arrived with a contrebass and played "live" in the middle of the musueum. Wonderful! his fingers played fast and they looked a thousand of ants who climb on a tree. Hey, Owlie, do you know this Arab proverb? "a black ant on a back tree in a black night, only Allah can see it"? Oh sorry... I forgot you are a "heathen" too.
I had to say goodbye to my friends (I missed them!) at 4pm to take my train. I took again the Metro from the hotel to the railway station and I arrived at 5.15. Can you believe that???
Black Owl.
October 2002.