The Wonderful Summer Of '02
Over midway through 2002, Labor Day weekend in the US, the first of September elsewhere and David Bowie fans have much to be thankful for, excited about, etc. A great past couple of months! Everyone here had a chance to enjoy Bowie's most pleasurable (so easy to listen to without being 'easy listening') music in years... 'Heathen' was so grand, luscious and fun - one almost forgets the subject matter at times. Fans also got the chance to hear some 'Toy' outtakes on the 'Slow Burn' single (sadly, a single that never was).
Also summer 2002 saw 'Ziggy Stardust' re-released with bonus tracks from the period. As icing on the cake, Bowie followed his June release 'Heathen' by taking his show on the road to various festivals, including his own Meltdown festival (which Bowie agreed to curate) in London and accompanied Moby on the Area 2 tour. All this, (and more) kept www.bowiewonderworld.com's apparently indefatigable Webmaster busy with dates, noteworthy news, pix etc. - at the same time tweaking the site!
While I think all Bowie efforts should considered ways in which he chooses to express himself at that moment as if he was an actor or painter (which he is both as well) who chooses different film genres or a painter using different forms from different periods. I have found that the output is not to be compared like one would with Rolling Stones' 'Let It Bleed' vs. 'Some Girls' or the music of Bruce Springsteen... I mean, I have resisted attacking Bowie's 80s material and wish that the "best since Scary Monsters" line would be removed from the Bowie lexicon. For one, it never has made any sense. Still, I never gave the pre-'Man Of Words/Man Of Music' material much credit until some tracks from the upcoming "Toys" were released with the 'Slow Burn' single - that forced a reevaluation quickly!! It was clear that even then, Bowie was ahead of his time, making superb pop music that the world would soon love. All I have been to say is: "Please, DB!!! ISO should release 'Toy' for Xmas!! These updates are intoxicating!!"
'Heathen' was pretty well received, it seemed, as the reunion between Bowie and producer Tony Visconti resulted in such a wonderful sound. Like Bowie's best efforts, this multi-layered sound provided such a haunting and beautiful sonic landscape that one must listen to it many times to hear all of it. I have a good feeling that fans could find this one as another example of a 'must have DB recording'.
Ziggy's 30th Birthday
Also who would have thought "Ziggy" would have entered his 30s sounding so well - not a day over 'just released'? The bonus material, while not as rare as some would have hoped, still reminded of me of why I fell "in love" with that era in the first place - Americans never did 'glam' the way the other side of the pond did! The music has aged like fine wine, like Bowie has, it is not dated like most 70s material. Regretfully, people looking for really rare outtakes from the recording period of 72 were disappointed. That aside, the CD is so important to anyone who is into DB - it has arrived remastered and in all its sexy, spacey, glam glory!
Live DB!
Just as importantly, many in Europe and the US were able to see the 'Thin White Duke' and his 'Heathen' play out on stage which was exhilarating for me and I am sure all who could attend. Really special, Bowie gave his UK fans a chance to hear live 'Low' (in its entirety for the first time) and gave Europeans and Americans a chance to see how well he holds his own with other acts (some of which were young enough to be his children). He still blew them away!! He met and matched and offered much that those other ones could not possibly - There have several reviews of this, including my own - check those out if by chance there are fans not able to see it. There are also some great pix from the concerts. Bowie looked fantastic and did an incredible job of performing - he knows what "wows" us...
Everyone should salute Paul, the webmaster, host with the most, for tirelessly keeping all informed as to the 'who', 'what', 'where' of the past several months and since the site began! I came in late spring of 02 after trying several sites and finding this one the most informative, easiest to navigate, and full of friendly fans and, thank God, a few ones who are edgy as well.
Also this recently upgraded MB gives people a chance to share their feelings, what they saw, how they are digesting it and how Bowie has affected them during his European and American performances and recent releases. Everyone can actually see, through pix, whom they are talking with and also there are other wonderful surprises at times.
Thanks everyone! Let's hope fall 02 can be as memorable!
Stephen Lindsay Satterfield
30th August 2002.
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