The room was full of rich white people At the university in Silver City They were all snapping photos Not that many people asked questions A few wanted to know where the plants could be found And if they were all from this area Of course, no specific answers were given
It was a long lecture and movie The movie told the story of how the Apaches Were killed off by the white man
The white people in the audience And the Indians on stage were worlds apart They shared food with the audience But they didn't have any paper plates So they brought napkins instead
The plant remedies were for the Apaches We were allowed a glimpse into their world But we were not allowed to enter They dangled the carrot And then withdrew it
The movie star husband A modern Apache warrior Acted as a bridge between worlds He was the spokesman and facilitator of the event But his wife was the one with the goods She spoke from the heart But reluctantly and with reservations No pun intended
It felt like commercial entertainment for bored whites The wealthy retirees of Grant County, New Mexico Who now owned the land The Apaches once lived on