Emillie - aka Bowiesbabe
September 29 1989.
Where do you live?
Idaho (stupid country folk live there... screw them all!!).
Your favourite David Bowie album?
Your favourite David Bowie song?
Everyone Says 'Hi'.
Most embarrassing experience:
Well... I was at my Aunt's house and I was sitting out side in a very comfortable chair (wishing it was David's lap. Anyway, I was singing to his songs and the song that was playing at that moment happened to be Ziggy Stardust. It was at the end where he hold a long noted Ziggy played guitaaaaaaarrr! - Then I turned it off to switch the CD and I heard clapping and cheering. When I looked behind me I saw my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, sister and..... the dog who was barking along with their clapping.
Most memorable experiences:
Well I haven't been to one of his concerts technically, but I was watching Jay Leno and David was preforming Never Get Old from his newest record Reality. The best part about seeing him was that I recorded every last bit of his outstanding performance. Oh, and he was wearing a silver suit wich made him look like a baked patao! and he looked mighty tasty as well.
Best Bowie gigs been to:
I haven't been to any 'cause having 645 pictures is good enough for me.
Favourite Bowie event you've been to?
Again I have never been to any. I just make popcorn, sit on the edge of the couch and watch his movies.
Favourite beverage?
Virgin pin'a caladas.
Favourite food?
Osso Bucco mind you I liked it before I knew who David was.
Favourite sexual position?
Don't have one.
Name one thing that you completely hate?
David's ex-wife.
Describe David Bowie in one word?