Groan... sorry about the headline I just couldn't resist it. Isn't it amazing what you discover whilst 'random' web surfing with your eyes closed?
Many of you will have already heard of the rather gorgeous Ziggy Stardust Resort in Bophut Village in Thailand, which obviously is named after one of our David's alter ego's. Well here's some other 'strange' items that have borrowed the Ziggy Stardust theme.
If you pop over to Kingswood Orchids who specialise in Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums, there you will discover the following exquisitely named orchids... 'Ziggy Stardust', 'Lady Stardust' and 'Moonage Daydeam'.
Brachys and Parvis: S. Gratrix Lady Stardust
Wellconabe Ziggy Stardust (Wellelesyeanum 'Tokyo Gold' x Conco-bellatulum 'Big 'N Bold').
Paph Species: Niveum Moonage Daydeam.
Okay, okay enough already! I'll stop all of this now, before I go on to mention the Albert Flasher, St. Rex, Emersonii or the Black Cherry.Tarrah,